A pirates life for me Wiki

Aormi is a coastal town to the south-east of Lorez and Ouroboros.


The town of Aormi was only recently established. Until a few decades ago, the area was primarily ignored due to its hilly land making it difficult to build houses and barracks for the Marines. It wasn't until a few explorers passing through the land discovered how rich and fertile its soil was that the area sparked interest amongst some of the poorer families living nearby. The families quickly moved over to the land to live as farmers, growing and harvesting crops to then sell to the larger cities bordering them. Over time, the people living in the area established a series of dugouts in the hills, creating livable homes for themselves. Now that the land had become more of a town than a series of camps owned by farmers, the citizens dubbed the town Aormi.

Once the influence of pirates in the eastern ocean became more and more dominant, the townspeople started to abandon the dugouts located nearer to the beach; to someone observing Aormi from the beach, it almost appears to be a ghost town. Despite the citizens' fears, the pirates took little to no interest in the town, seeing as how none of the inhabitants were particularly wealthy. That has changed recently, as word got out that an alchemist was living amongst the townspeople. Since then, Aormi has been subjected to repeated raids as pirates attempt to find and kidnap the alchemist, and more of the Marines have been placed in the town to defend it. The citizens are no strangers to skirmishes between the Marines and pirates as a result, it having become something of an occasion in the town.

Notable Peoples[]
