A pirates life for me Wiki

The Angel Air Postal Service (AAPS) is an organization dedicated to delivering all sorts of packages all around the world via use of various flying machines.


The AAPS was founded by Evan Gallagher. He gathered a grand amount of donations from various sources in order to start his company. It is not known exactly why he started a mailing company, but some people like to speculate that he did so because a letter he sent to a friend of his was lost on the way by a careless messenger. The AAPS is a freelance corporation that runs off of an unknown source of wealth.


The AAPS is in charge of many different services, though they have not been appointed any of them by a higher authority. The tasks workers of the AAPS perform include:

  • Delivering various packages (Mail, boxes, crates, ect.)
  • Serving as a transit for groups of individuals. (Via use of "Skybuses")
  • Commissioning stamps to various retail departments worldwide

Notable Members[]

